Responsibility and Accountability

A few weeks ago my wife and I had a conversation about responsibility and accountability. We wanted to have a conversation with our family (wife, daughter, and I). We are thinking of also talking to our son but he doesn’t live with us. We decided that we would choose some things that we wanted to change about ourselves and then we would hold each other responsible and accountable. I won’t talk about what my wife and daughter chose because that’s not my story to tell. I will talk about mine here though because I want more than just my wife and daughter to hold me accountable. I also want to add a few here as well.

The two things I chose for my family accountability were eating healthier and taking a shower every day. Eating healthier has been a lifelong struggle for me and it’s been even harder since I have started a job where I travel 80% of the time. This means I eat out all the time which makes excuses easy to make for not eating healthy. What I’ve chosen to do may not sound healthy to you so we won’t necessarily talk about what my choice of healthy is but my wife and daughter know and that’s what is important. Taking a shower daily seems like an easy thing but I suffer from periodic depression and I don’t feel like starting my day, I mainly just want to sleep. If I take a shower daily, I feel better and start the day better. It’s like people that talk about making their bed daily.

I also want to start two other things that I want to talk about here. I want to start blogging so this is the first post. I got a start but I’ll need your help with that. The second part plays off the first. One of things I want to blog about is me learning how to code. I have, in the past, started with Hacking with Swift by Paul Hudson. I have done it for awhile and then quit. I have never talked about it publicly but now I’m going to talk about it publicly. This will help hold myself responsible and accountable. My goal is to write about my journey through this whole process. I want to write about eating, coding, and whatever else comes to mind.

Now., why write on The Liner Project? Most of you have probably never heard of the podcast I used to make (and maybe will make again one day), it was called The Liner Project. That’s what The Liner Project was created for. I used to love the liner notes in the albums when I was young. I was a history major in college and still love history today so I kind of added my love of music/liner notes with my love of history. I would take lyrics out of songs and then talk about the actual history behind the what the lyrics were saying. Well the reason I’m writing here is simple… I have the website and I like the name. This will be the liner notes of my life as it were. Hello… I’m Ronnie Lutes. This… is The Liner Project.

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